

Evidence-based healthcare that focuses on human movement as essential to achieving optimum health and well-being

Physiotherapy is an evidence-based healthcare profession that focuses on human movement as essential to achieving optimum health and well-being. Physiotherapy aims to maintain and restore human function after disease or injury, to help people achieve quality of life through physical movement.

Physiotherapy at JR Healthcare

At James Ross Healthcare Bristol our Physiotherapists combine a ‘hands-on’ approach with corrective exercise and comprehensive rehabilitation underpinned by the latest available evidence. All our Physiotherapists are movement specialists, expert in the assessment and diagnosis of a wide variety of injuries and physical conditions. They participate in frequent peer reviews and training courses optimising the effectiveness of their treatment approach.

Our JR Healthcare Physiotherapists work with all individuals, specific groups as well as  holding individual specialisms including:

  • Back Pain
  • Running
  • Pre/Post Operation prepare and recovery
  • Elite Training
  • Body Building
  • Pre/Post Natal

What to expect

Your physiotherapist will ask you the history of your injury or condition followed by a thorough physical examination to gain an understanding of the symptoms and best course of treatment. Treatment is a combination of manual therapy & exercise therapy specific to your condition to reduce pain, restore optimal movement and prevent future injury.

Manual therapy performed by your physiotherapist includes joint mobilisation and manipulation, massage, and stretching. Exercise Therapy refers to specific stretched, muscle strengthening or control exercises as prescribed by your physiotherapist which you perform at home. Exercise therapy compliments manual therapy to maintain gains and to help you reach your goals.

Common conditions we treat

  • Back and Neck Pain
  • Ankle Sprain
  • ACL Injury
  • Shoulder Impingement
  • Tennis Elbow
  • Achilles Tendinitis
  • Shin Splints
Book a consultation online
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